Grants-In-Aid are made to both undergraduate and graduate student
who attend institutions approved by the Trustees. Grants-In-Aid are provided
with the understanding that recipients will endeavor to contribute to the
Foundation whenever possible in the future in order to perpetuate and
increase its endowment for those needing assistance in future years.
Grants-In-Aid vary in amount and are considered by the Foundation
trustees based on demonstrated need and the recommendations of the #1 and #4
of the Alpha and the recommendation of the Joint Committee on Grant-In-Aid
Applications of the Alpha Rho Alumni Association and the Alpha Rho Memorial
Foundation. The Trustees may make such Grants-In-Aid as they deem reasonable
in light of the foregoing recommendations and their own investigation.
Brothers must apply for all Grants-In-Aid. Applications
recommended by the #1 and the #4 of the Alpha, the Trustees of the Alpha Rho
Alumni Association or the Joint Committee on Grants-In-Aid Applications of
the Alpha Rho Alumni Association and the Alpha Rho Memorial Foundation, as
the case may be, will be considered by the Trustees of the Foundation, who
will, in due course, approve or disapprove applications in their sole and
absolute discretion.