In 1969, a Fund in memory of Eugene S. Brokaw, P 1908, was established by
his family. He seldom missed a gathering at the Lodge and served on the
boards of both the Association and the Foundation, maintaining an active
interest until his death on March 23, 1972.
Herbert V. Young, P 1929, encouraged by the tax exempt status of the
Foundation, established the first endowment Fund to be added to the
Foundation. Also during 1969 the first delegation Fund, the 1924 Delegation
Fund was established following receipt of a legacy provided by the will of
W. Duncan Liddle, P 1924. Prior to his death, Brother Liddle had mode known
his desire to have a Fund established in the name of his delegation. Every
living member of the delegation contributed liberally to the Fund.
At a dinner honoring Harold G. Lundberg, P 1924, on April 6, 1974, the
Alpha and alumni provided a generous contribution for the establishment of a
Fund in his name. The scholarship awards program proved to be singularly successful. The
scholarship of the Alpha improved and at the 136th Convention of Chi Psi
hold in Atlanta, June 1977, Alpha Rho was awarded the Goodbody Trophy for
excellence in scholarship. This was a first for Alpha Rho.
Following the action of the 1924 delegation, Funds were established by
the 1925 Delegation in 1972, the 1936 Delegation in 1973; the 1954
Delegation in 1976; and the 1931 Delegation in 1978; using as already noted,
contributions by the delegation and friends in memory of their classmates.
In 1978, the William F. Plumley, P 1899 Fund was established following
receipt of a generous legacy provided by his will. Also during 1978, a
legacy provided by the will of William H. MacDonald, Sr., P 1911, provided a
substantial increment for the Gold Star memorial established for his son
William H. MacDonald, Jr., P 1939.
With the approach of the 100th Anniversary of Alpha Rho in 1979, the
Alpha Rho Alumni Association launched a campaign to raise $100,000. The
anniversary campaign was identified as the Century Fund with a Lodge
renovation objective of $75,000 and a goal of $25,000 for an increase in the
principal funds of the Foundation. When formal solicitation ceased on August
31, 1979, a total of $35,339 had been credited to the Foundation portion of
the campaign – a very gratifying 141% of the objective.
At the annual meeting of the Foundation hold in conjunction with the
100th Anniversary banquet of Alpha Rho, the 200 alumni present unanimously
approved a resolution proposed by the trustees of the Foundation which would
allow the trustees to aid graduate as well as undergraduate members of Alpha
Rho to complete their education. This forward looking action would become
effective when justified by the income of the Foundation.
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