
In June 1991, long-time President Jerry Wharton, P 1925, proposed that
the Foundation Board be expanded from five to seven Trustees, that the
position of Secretary-Treasurer be split into two functions, that the
position of Chairman of the Board be created and that the 1949 By-Laws be
amended and restated to reflect these changes and to conform to present-day
law governing tax-exempt organizations. Brother Wharton would occupy the
Chairman of the Board post and Jack F. Schwanhausser, P 1946, would advance
to President. Mark W. Musser, P 1986, assumed the Secretary title and stood
for one of the new Trustee slots. Roger Parsons, P 1960, would be the new
Treasurer and John R. McCabe, P 1970, Financial Assistance Officer for the
University, would stand for the other Trustee position. The Certificate
changes would require formal presentation for consideration at the Spring
Annual Meeting, but in accordance with the existing By-Laws, the Foundation
began operating with its new assignments in place.
Also in 1991, two new Memorial Funds were established; one, announced in
1990, in honor of Brother A. Dudley Watson, P 1915, whose $5,000 bequest was
received in 1991, the other in honor of Brother Thomas E. Phillips, P 1931,
who passed away August 18 and whose widow requested donations to the
Foundation in lieu of flowers. By the end of the fiscal year, $1,430 had
been received in the name of Brother Philips. Another loss in 1991 was
stalwart supporter Brother Foster B. Whitlock, P 1936, a regular and
generous donor to the Class of '36 Fund.
Through the efforts of Bill Newell, P 1965, Investment Committee Chair,
the "Balance of Accumulated Income" was once again positive and the funding
of AMR and PSD was recovered within two years. In the Fund Application area,
two more "firsts" were notable. The Foundation provided a Grant-in-Aid to a
graduate student who is studying at an institution other than Rutgers. Then,
in the interest of educating in Fraternity Awareness, the Foundation
supported on a "this year only" basis, the attendance of four non-officer
active Brothers at the 150th Convention, each at $100. AMR and PSD for Rho
continued through the Foundation’s funding. Coincidentally, a pilot for a
new Educational Trust course Program for Leadership Development (largely the
effort of Brother Al Riester, Rho ‘1962, was conducted at Rho in 1991.
In 1992, Brother T. Girard Wharton, P 1925, passed away. As noted in the
1992 Annual Report, “We might speculate that 'Jerry' had a premonition of
the event last year when he proposed to 'step upstairs' and transfer the
executive direction of the Foundation -- so typical of our selfless,
thoughtful and highly organized Brother, who also directed where, the number
of speakers and how they should conduct his memorial service." A score of
Brothers were there to celebrate the life of a kindred soul who, for over 70
years, exemplified being "an inalienable and unalterable friend" to all Chi Psis.
We who were privileged to serve with him as Foundation Trustees will factor
"what 'Jerry' might have thought" into our future deliberations.
Fortuitously, at the last meeting he attended, the Foundation recognized
his tireless contributions by designating the Honor Society Awards as the
"T. Girard Wharton, P 1925 Scholastic Excellence Awards". As an additional
honor, on September 15, 1992, the Foundation established the “T. Girard
Wharton, P 1925 Memorial Fund", seeding it with a $3,500 transfer from the
General Fund. The Alumni Association generously provided a gift of $2,000 to
the Wharton Fund, for a beginning total of $5,500. In so doing, the
Fraternity paid tribute to the man who had led the Foundation so effectively
for over 40 years.
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