
On September 15, 1992, the Foundation elected Herb Young, P 1929,
Chairman of the Board, Roger Parsons, P 1960, Vice President and Raymond J.
Katz, P 1987, Trustee and Treasurer of the Foundation. In the 1992 Annual
Report, Brother Schwanhausser, P 1946, recognized the service of Brother
Mark W. Musser, P 1986, in revising the Bylaws, producing superior minutes
and providing legal counsel as the Foundation sought to establish new
initiatives in concert with the Alumni Association.
While the Principal Funds totaled over $150,000, just about twice their
total in 1915, many changes affected the Foundation in 1993. The delegates
to the 1992 Convention passed a resolution supporting a $100 "contribution"
by initiates to the four-component National Leadership Training Program (NLTP),
with a lesser fee for those Brothers whose Alphas, like Rho, had endowed
PSD's. The Educational Trust, however, elected to collect $100 from all,
with the presumption that endowments could benefit all Alphas in Chi Psi,
rather than one. Since the Foundation’s By-Laws required it to assist only
Rho Brothers, the Foundation could not agree to the change, hence its
endowment was effectively negated by the Chi Psi Educational Trust’s
actions. The solution was to transfer the balance of the former PSD
endowment to the AMR endowment with two AMRs being available to Rho each
year, desirable because there were often two sets of officers or
prospectives who could benefit.
In response to a proposal from the Alumni Association, the Foundation
began contributing to the cost of the Lodge Resident Educational Advisor in
proportion to his time spent on Foundation matters. In reviewing Scholarship
Incentive Award data, the Foundation discovered that the all-men's average
was above its lowest award level, resulting in rewarding less than average
performance, so the Foundation revised the levels: 2.8-3.199, $100;
3.2-3.599, $150; 3.6-4, $200.
1994 brought Alpha Rho’s 115th Anniversary Celebration. Those Brothers
who gathered "On the Banks" for the 115th celebration were reminded that the
Rho undergraduates were following a course of social action to keep Chi Psi
a fraternity to be reckoned with on the Rutgers campus. While the Foundation
pursued its sole purpose of educational enhancement, it encouraged and
endorsed the Alumni Association Trustees' parallel effort to meet their
"bricks and mortar" responsibilities through a plan to conduct a major
campaign for much-needed Lodge rehabilitation.
The Foundation’s Principal Fund increases in 1994 included two $1,000
bequests from the wills of Bob Wright, P 1927 and Helen Galbraith, widow of
Bob Galbraith, P 1924 and an additional $500 gift from Mary Elizabeth
Phillips, widow of T. E. Phillips, P 1931.
In 1995 and in the spirit of “succor and assistance”, the Foundation
shared with the Alumni Association a sizable contribution from a Brother who
spent less than two years at Rho, then transferred and graduated from
another college and another Alpha. He had been financially assisted by Rho
before the Foundation was established, had never forgotten the help he
received and wished to acknowledge the favor after these many years. Another
more recent Brother "repaid" in full the amount of a Grant he had received
as an undergraduate.
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